Tammin Sursok
Plays: Dani Sutherland Age: 17 On screen: Dating Will Smith Off screen: Has a boyfriend Favourite
pop group/singer: Any group with a funky beat. Worst pop group/singer: Any group with techno theme. Best
fashion accessory: My black leather jacket. Fashion no-no: Yellow and Pink polka dot socks. Favourite comfort
food: Cake. Beauty tip: Drink heaps of water. Dream date: Brad Pitt- who else.

Susie Rugg
Plays: Brodie Hanson Age: 18 On screen: Dating Alex. Off screen: I'm single. Favourite
pop group/singer: I really like Renee Geyer and Massive Attack. Worst pop group/singer: Britney Spears. Best
fashion accessory: Anything with colour. Fashion no-no: Anything grey. Favourite comfort food: Cake, ice-cream
and jelly beans. Beauty tip: Tinted lip-gloss and all-over sparkles are in. Dream date: Sunshine, good food
and a tall-dark-stranger.

Christie Hayes
Plays: Kirstie Sutherland. Age: 14 On screen: Dating Nick Smith. Off screen: I have a boyfriend.
Favourite pop group/singer: Destiny's Child, Bon Jovi. Worst pop group/singer: I'm not a fan of Christina
Aguilera. Best fashion accessory: My red bandana. Fashion no-no: Anything striped with a print-yuk.
Favourite comfort food: I can't decide. Beauty tip: Always remove your make-up before going to bed. Dream
date: I love Paul Walker[the skulls] to take me to a boat party on Sydney Harbour.

Kate Garven
Plays: Jade Sutherland. Age: 15 On screen: Was dating Duncan Stewart. Off screen: I have a boyfriend.
Favourite pop group/singer: Blink 182. Worst pop group/singer: I don't have one. Best fashion accessory:
My funky blue watch. Fashion no-no: Headbands are not a good look. Favourite comfort food: Chocolate.
Beauty tips: If you feel good, you will look good. Dream date: I think i'd have to say my boyfriend.